
SPRING IS HERE! Time to Get the Family Moving
April 26, 2017

Winter is never an easy season, but it can be particularly rough when you have a family. Kids are often full of energy, and keeping them inside during the cold, grey months can be maddening. What’s even worse is how your family gets used to being inactive and unhealthy. It’s no wonder we all get so giddy at the onset of spring!

13 Responsibilities of a Group Exercise Instructor
April 11, 2017

As a group exercise instructor, our responsibility is all encompassing and entirely under the scrutiny of a room of people with a variety of needs and likes.  What one person loves, another one hates.  What one person can do, another cannot.  The song Tami requested makes Carl want to run for the hills.  Maxine’s form is verging on dangerous and Jessie’s is spot on.  Randall will never get back on a BOSU and Sandy wants BOSU at every station.  You cannot possibly create a workout, playlist, nor cue in a manner that works for the whole room – but gues

I Love Teaching Group Exercise
March 10, 2017

Nearly every adult I know has a mountain of responsibility – most we’ve chosen for ourselves.  I chose to get married, have three kids, work full-time, teach fitness part-time, own a dog, and purchase a home.  Maybe you’ve made some of those choices, too.  Sometimes I feel like homeownership was such great idea until I couldn’t call my landlord anymore to fix everything that went wrong.  Why is it appliances break down in twos? 

Help Your Clients Improve and Be Happy
January 26, 2017

Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change

Part 1 – Dimension 1: Stages of Change

Get Your FREE Goal Setting Questionnaire!
January 18, 2017

Have Better PT Conversations TODAY!  

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2016
January 8, 2017

2016 came and went in the blink of eye.  They do that you know.  When we look ahead toward 2017 doesn’t it seem like so much time is there - so many things to do and accomplish.  So much possibility.  But when you turn around and look back at 2016 instantly you are faced with the reality of the rapid passing of time.  It goes so fast. 2017 has A LOT coming from FiTOUR.  We are loaded with new certifications and cec courses to release, with new concepts to tighten, with new video, and we are excited! Looking back at 2016 though we are incredibly thankful and encouraged.

Top 10 Presents Your Favorite Group Exercise Instructor Will Love
December 18, 2016

Christmas is my favorite time of year!  I absolutely LOVE to buy presents for my friends and family.  It just feels good to make a person smile with the simple act of kindness.  If you are looking for a gift for the Group Fitness Instructor in your life, I have created a list that will surely WOW her and brighten her day.  All of these items are available on Amazon; strike quickly and you will have these just in time for Christmas!

The Essential & Easy Group Ex Happy Holiday Motivation Tricks
December 3, 2016

All year we’ve seen these cats come in and out of our studios.  They have delicately balanced on this challenging pendulum of being “good”, being “normal”, being “lazy”, and being “driven”.  Now it is December and really, let’s be honest, they think all bets are off.  The extrinsically motivated humans of the world are overwhelmed by the parties, baking requirements, family gatherings, and corporate festivities.  Our brains are programmed to eat well or not eat well by WHAT WE EAT.  Our bodies are programmed to feel well or not feel well by HOW ACTIVE or INACTIVE WE ARE.

FiTOUR Ambassador
November 24, 2016

As we approach the Holiday season, people are consumed by family gatherings, company parties, and festive attitudes.  Do we just ride it out on a sleigh of good wishes and say, “I’ll work on my fitness and nutrition come January 1?”  How do we, as fitness professionals, instill continued motivation in our clients and class members?  
