Submitted by Melissa Vidito on

Winter is never an easy season, but it can be particularly rough when you have a family. Kids are often full of energy, and keeping them inside during the cold, grey months can be maddening. What’s even worse is how your family gets used to being inactive and unhealthy. It’s no wonder we all get so giddy at the onset of spring!
Thankfully, winter is well behind us, and the season of renewal and longer days makes it the perfect time to take advantage of outdoor activities. With these tips, you and your family can improve your health and wellness together.
Encourage Your Family To Get Active
Eating right is important, but it won’t be nearly as beneficial if your family is sedentary. It’s easy to fall into an evening habit of watching TV before or after dinner, but with warmer weather, you have the perfect opportunity to get the whole family active again.
Start by being a role model. If you don’t walk the walk, your family will likely give up and head back to the couch. Instead, get active yourself. If you want your kids to try a new activity or sport, give them a chance to ask the same of you. And if you want to limit how much TV or screen time they enjoy this spring, be sure to limit yours as well.
When choosing activities, survey everyone in the family first, as children have a tendency to be more invested when they feel like they have a say. Once everyone is on board with an activity or two, you’ll be well on your way to taking advantage of the evening daylight. And remember, the family that plays together, stays together.
Activities Outside For The Whole Family
Improving your family’s wellness doesn’t have to be overly structured. It can be as simple as getting outside. Reconnecting with nature is a fantastic way to enjoy spring and be active, especially if you have younger children. Start working in the garden or take a hike with the family dog at a local park or forest preserve. You can even set up a scavenger hunt or an obstacle course to give it an extra element of fun.
If your family prefers more competitive activities, start exploring sports like basketball, baseball, or tennis. Many communities have facilities you can use for free. Even just playing tag or kicking a soccer ball around the backyard will help.
Try going for a bonding experience and look for a 5k or a 10k your family can run/walk together and make a point to train as a group. Not only will you have a goal in mind, but you could be stumbling upon a new family tradition.
If you need to take it down a notch, try a family yoga night in the back yard. Not only can you all stretch and relax together, but inevitably someone will clown around, which can make for a great giggle fest.
It’s absolutely possible to get fit as a family, so model the behavior you want everyone to embrace, and get outside and start moving around. Since life is returning to the world in spring, let it return to your family as well.
-Paige Johnson