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February 8-9, 2025
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Group Fitness Certification Primary
More physical instruction
Posted May 29, 2011
Most of class was spent on book work for exam, then a work out of participants but there was little instruction on how to do the classroom stuff and how to do chorerography
Posted May 11, 2011 by Anonymous
I enjoyed taking the test but some of the questions were not available for me in your book. I wasn't sure were to reasearch the answer. I also listened to the dvd and she did not say anything either on some questions I missed. I am not a very good test taker but all questions on the test should be in located in the book for definitive answers thankyou
great for basic group x learning.
Posted April 11, 2011 by Anonymous
Posted February 14, 2011 by Carrie from Bridge City, TX
I was very happy with how user friendly everything is and I like how you get a DVD to help you as well, however, I was not happy with how long it took for my study guides to get to me. Aparently they were backordered and I was never told,
Organized and Informative
Posted December 8, 2010 by Anonymous
This product was really good. I learned a lot and found out many issues about illnesses that I would not have ever thought to be a problem. I am glad I used Fitour as my training. If ever I need to look back on my lessons, I have a book to keep and keep the information fresh in my mind.
Posted December 8, 2010 by Anonymous
FiTOUR® Senior Fitness Certification
Posted May 17, 2011 by Diane Buckles from Elizabethtown, KY
The information in the manual was helpful and validated a lot of what I already knew but I was a little disappointed that the publication date was 2003. There is so much new information coming out about exercise and the senior population. Are you planning an updated edition or an addendum to add to this one?Diane Buckles, RN, MSN
Boot Camp Fitness Certification Primary
great basic info, at a very great price
Posted May 2, 2011 by Alejandro from del rio, TX
worth a shot to recieve certificate, and makes u more valuable to earn extra income!!!!
Lots of good info
Posted April 16, 2011 by Yogi
Great information, friendly, knowledgeable instructor. Useful information. Not a waste of time or money.
Great Information but wish book was in PDF form
Posted April 12, 2011 by Mark from Dallas, TX
All the information need to setup and run a great bootcamp. Thanks you, Mark.P.S. Check question 49 on test I think "complete" is the wrong word in the question? Thanks again, Mark :)
Personal Training Certification PRIMARY
Posted April 29, 2011 by Lisa Tonneson from Mandan, ND
Posted March 7, 2011 by Franklin Pelurie from Saint Albans, WV
It would have been helpful to have been able to review the 2 questions I missed.
The video instruction was great!
Posted January 29, 2011 by Gayle from Torrance, CA
Over all a great course
Posted January 26, 2011 by Amanda Potter from Bauxite, AR
The course was very informative. I enjoyed how it was not extramly formal. I liked how it ws layed back and we were free to talk and discuss but also got done what we needed to get done.
It seemed like a very comprhensive test.
Posted January 22, 2011 by Shane from Bauxite, AR
The only negative thing I can say about the exam is that it was very easy.
Question 42
Posted January 17, 2011 by Anonymous
This was great! Except one question, I had the right answer. I even looked it up later. They said I got it wrong but I didn't. Great otherwise
Posted December 28, 2010 by Anonymous
Studying for the primary personal trainer was easy after attending workshop with Dolly Stokes. Dolly's presentation and review of the study materials prepared me for the written examination.
Yoga Certification Primary
Posted April 26, 2011 by Carol from Dallas, TX
It's good for the beginner yoga instructor. I got a better comfort level with the names of poses and it boosted my confidence to go out and teach a class.
Stability Ball Fitness Certification
Stability Ball exercises are for everyone.
Posted April 20, 2011 by Christy from Bartlett, TN
There was a variety of exercises that address the whole body, not just the powerhouse. Exercises are easily taught and the levels enable the instructor to teach any fitness level. Well-organized. I feel that some of the exercise names could be changed to be more user or layperson friendly. Easy for instructor to remember and for the class participants to remember or recognize.
Indoor Cycling Certification Primary
Posted March 26, 2011 by Anonymous
Posted March 22, 2011 by Vanessa Rojas from Lincolnton, NC
Posted March 17, 2011 by Debra from Oak Harbor, WA
FiTOUR® Modern Pilates Certification
very informative
Posted March 13, 2011 by Anonymous
Was a very diverse class, just wish there was a better way to review the text other that lecture.
Posted February 21, 2011 by debbie rosenberg from austin, TX
I learned a lot, but found this difficult to practice without access to Pilates equipment.
Aqua Certification Primary
Easy to follow materials
Posted March 4, 2011 by Anonymous
Posted November 19, 2010 by Patricia from Lompoc, CA
I enjoyed your workshop via book and DVD. Thank You!
Personal Training Certification ADVANCED
Good overall program
Posted January 28, 2011 by Shane from Bauxite, AR
I think that the stork test needs to be explained in better detail or there needs to be a better picture to show the test. Other than that I have no complaints.
Indoor Cycling Certification (in Spanish)
Posted January 14, 2011 by Cintia Yaneth Aldape Moreno from Guadalupe, Mex
Pilates Certification Advanced
Gained a lot of knowledge through the Advanced Pilates.
Posted December 28, 2010 by Anonymous
Dolly Stokes did an excellent job presenting the Pilates Advanced Certification workshop. She provided insight & useful information that was not included in the manual or DVD. I felt extremely prepared for the written examination following the workshop.
Core & Functional Fitness Certification
Posted November 27, 2010 by kolleen miller from cheyenne, WY