FiTOUR® Core & Functional Fitness CEC Course

Core NASM CEC Course

FiTOUR® is offering courses which are approved by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) for Continuing Education Credits (CECs).  The FiTOUR® Core and Functional Training Home Study Course is approved for .8 NASM CECs.

This is a NOT a Certification, this is a cec course to obtain cecs used to renew an NASM Certification.

NASM Approved

Language of Materials and Exam: 
In-Home Purchase Options
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February 8-9, 2025

1 $79.99 Fitour Certification for $49.99

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3 $79.99 Fitour Certifications for $99.99

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2 Certifications for $79.99 : Use Coupon Code: DEAL2
3 Certifications  for $99.99 : Use Coupon Code: DEAL3

Core & Functional Fitness NASM CEC Home Study Course

This registration includes the in-home CEC study course and access to the online study materials. Hard copy study manual not included.

Program Overview: 

Functional training is the future of group exercise and personal training. Stay ahead of the pack by joining an elite team of fitness pros who incorporate core & functional training into their fitness programming and design. Personal trainers and group exercise instructors alike will benefit from the FiTOUR® Core & Functional Training Home Study Course.

Part I of this course is full of information on program design, exercises and training techniques for general fitness and fitness athlete clients/students.  You will learn how to create comprehensive and balanced core & functional training programs.  Learn challenging exercises using medicine balls, balance equipment and sports-conditioning drills to progressively improve core strength & functionality which, in turn, will result in improved performance.

Part II provides an in-depth look at the obstacles faced by active older adults and how to improve their functionality through fitness programming to lead to higher quality of life.  If you train active older adults, this course is a MUST!  You will learn strategies to create programs that will implement full body strength and function with activities that are fun yet challenging.

At the conclusion of the course, you will understand how to safely and effectively implement and develop core & functional programming for one-on-one training, group training, circuit training, flexibility, and on-the-road fitness programs.

Benefits of Completing the FiTOUR® Core and Functional Training Home Study Course:

Successful completion of the FiTOUR® Core and Functional Training Home Study Course will provide employers, clients and students with confidence in your professional skills.  Obtaining a passing score on the online examination will earn you the mark of excellence evidenced by dedication to increasing your knowledge of core and functional exercise science and technique.

Study Materials: 

The online study materials for this FiTOUR® home study course listed below are FREE with registration. All FiTOUR® online examinations are based on the content of the study materials. FiTOUR® encourages participants to thoroughly review the study materials prior taking the online written examination to ensure a passing score.

  • FiTOUR® Core & Functional Fitness (Volume 2) Online Study Manual - $19.99 -- FREE!
  • FiTOUR® Core & Functional Fitness Online Study Videos - $24.99 -- FREE!